Do you regularly support someone who could not manage without your help?
lf so, then you are a carer.
Your GP practice is, keen to add you to its Carer Register so, that staff are aware of your caring role and to provide appropriate information, guidance or advice to help you look after yourself as well as the person you care for.
Get the help you deserve ...
45 minute appointments are available at our monthly Carer Clinic held at The Grove Medical Practice in Sherborne. These are open to any carer, regardless of which GP practice you are registered with. The appointment is provided by Sarah Withell, Carers Caseworker who can offer advice on all aspects of support for unpaid carers. Also, if you have not recently had a health check then Sarah can arrange this for you.
To request an appointment, just speak to your GP practice or email
Do I look like I care?
Do you look after, or give any help or support to anyone and are not paid for this?
Did you know that we can record that you are an unpaid carer on your medical record?
We can record the following information about you:
- If you look after a family member, partner and/or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support.
- If you have a contingency plan in place for a situation when you cannot provide care. You might know this as an Emergency Plan, a Plan B, a Just in Case Plan, or something else!
We can remove this when you no longer provide help and support.
Please ask us to do this for you
If we know that you are helping someone else and they can’t cope without your support we can offer you help, advise and signpost you to support services
Carer Support Dorset:
Carers and Parent Info
Healthier Together
Improving the health of children and young people in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
Masks for Carers
Being an unpaid carer is hard work and can impact upon other areas of a your life such as work, relationships, finances & social life. We are a charity that supports unpaid carers that live in Dorset.
We are giving every recognised unpaid carer a free Cloth Mask and Filters to help them to keep them safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are an unpaid carer that lives in Dorset and needs a mask please contact us.
The Leonardo Trust
Tel: 01202 022932
Mob: 07742 868 002 (text only)
Registered Charity No. 1086045